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HIFU 3D-2024

hi-fu 3D

 Buy now up to 24 Months possible!
 0% financing / processing fee for financing = 235,24 €*
 Leasing special condition
 Regular Price
  Purchase Price  9.900 €*
  Deposit  2.000 €*
  Monthly installments  24
  Monthly Rate  329,17 €*
  Hire purchase 1 Year guarantee
  Direct purchase 2 Year guarantee
 * Prices excl. 19% VAT.
  ~66 % In-house exhibition discount
  Purchase Price  3.361 €*
  Deposit  2.000 €*
  Monthly installments  24
  Monthly Rate  56,69 €*
  Hire purchase 1 Year guarantee
  Direct purchase 2 Year guarantee
* Prices excl. 19% VAT.
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Hifu 3D BehandlungHifu3D BehandlungHifu3D BehandlungHifu3D Behandlunghifu3dErgebnis 1hifu3dErgebnis 21


3D HIFU 2024 Germany – Mit nur einer Behandlung einen langanhaltenden Effekt

Das 3D HIFU 2024 ist eine neue Anwendung des Ultraschalls. Mithilfe des hochintensiven fokussierten Ultraschalls (HIFU) werden die Hautschichten gezielt bis in die Tiefe erhitzt. In einer Tiefe von 1,5 - 4,5 mm wird die erschlaffte Hautstruktur durch diese gezielte Erhitzung deutlich gestrafft (der sogenannte Shrinking-Effekt setzt ein). Dieser Effekt ist vergleichbar mit dem, der auch bei einem chirurgischen Facelift genutzt wird. Die Energieabgabe löst in der Haut eine natürliche Regeneration aus, wodurch eine erhöhte Aktivität der Fibroblasten entsteht, die mit Neubildung von Kollagen und Elastin reagiert.

Für wen ist eine HIFU-Behandlung empfehlenswert?

Für alle Personen, mit einer Erschlaffung der Haut und ein Nachlassen der Hautelastizität

  •          im Gesicht
  •          am Hals
  •          am Dekolleté
  •          am Körper

Bei der HIFU-Behandlung werden hochfokussierte, intensive Energiewellen bis in die Tiefe der Hautschichten abgegeben. Das hochwirksame HIFU-Verfahren stammt aus der medizinischen Anwendung und ist nun eine überaus beliebte Behandlung in der apparativen Kosmetik, auch bekannt als Lunch-Time-Lifting.

Folgende Vorteile bietet das 3D HIFU Verfahren:

  •          Deutlich sichtbare Straffungseffekte ohne Operation
  •          Wirkung unmittelbar nach der Behandlung sichtbar
  •          Keine Ausfallzeit
  •          In der Regel ist nur eine Behandlung notwendig
  •          Steigerungseffekt innerhalb von 2-6 Monaten
  •          Fettreduktion
  •          Behandlungen von schwierigen Regionen wie Augenbereich, Hals und Arme mit beeindruckenden Resultaten.

Das HIFU führt zu einer gezielten Erwärmung der Hautschichten in unterschiedlichen Tiefen. Zur Verfügung stehen 3 Kartuschen für das Gesicht, mit den Eindringtiefen von 1,5mm, 3mm und 4,5mm.

Zudem 5 Kartuschen für den Körper, diese haben Eindringtiefen von 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 13mm und 16mm.
Alle 8 Kartuschen sind als Starterset inklusive und haben jeweils eine Schusszahl von 20 000 Schuss.
Die Privatschulung ist bei einem Kauf inklusive, ebenso alle Schulungsunterlagen und das Zertifikat.





1x HIFU 3D

Zusätzliche Beigaben:

8x Kartuschen

Garantie / Gewährleistung:

2 Jahre

Besonderheiten Garantie / Gewährleistung:

1 Jahr bei Ratenkauf


50 cm


65 cm


24 cm


12 Kg


1 stk

Inhalt Zielinhaltkg, 100 ml, l, stk, 100 gr:



110 - 240 V, 50 - 60 Hz


60 W


3,3 Mhz

Bildschirm :

15” Display

Für wen (Herren,Damen,Unisex):





Gesicht, Körper




Buy the devices without deposit!


hi-fu mit rolwagen

 Buy now up to 24 Months possible!
 0% financing / processing fee for financing = 209,30 €*
 Leasing special condition
 Regular Price
  Purchase Price  9.900 €*
  Deposit  2.000 €*
  Monthly installments  24
  Monthly Rate  329,17 €*
  Hire purchase 2 Year guarantee
  Direct purchase 3 Year guarantee
 * Prices excl. 19% VAT.
  ~70 % In-house exhibition discount
  Purchase Price  2.990 €*
  Deposit  1.000 €*
  Monthly installments  24
  Monthly Rate  82,92 €*
  Hire purchase 2 Year guarantee
  Direct purchase 3 Year guarantee
* Prices excl. 19% VAT.
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You can revoke your consent at any time. Our contact information can be found e.g. in the privacy policy.
Thank you for your inquiry.

We will contact you as soon as possible.

Ergebnisse unsere Kunden

Hifu2 Behandlung Hifu2 Behandlung

HIFU - High Tech Intensive Ultra / High Intensive Focused Ultrasound
VERY POPULAR: for the treatment of DOUBLE CHIN!


You can spare essential treatment costs, without pain and side effects you get a new appearance and a new attitude towards life already after the first treatment.
Immediately after the treatment, you can follow your daily routine.

Hifu is a cosmetic application of ultrasound to ...


  • Lifting
  • Wrinkle reduction
  • Skin rejuvenation

... in which the targeted bundling of the sound waves and tissue are heated and destroyed. The ultrasonic waves of the HIFU activate the body's healing and regeneration processes and stimulate the entire fabric of the skin up to the binding substance so that, in addition to the immediately visible improved skin image, deep-lying deficits and skin anomalies are simultaneously treated. Basic age changes of the face are caused by the wealth loss and tissue relaxation. In the stimulation, generated by the latest HIFU technology, the skin reacts with the new formation of collagen and elastin, and thus counteracts the loss of elasticity.

Among all non-invasive treatments for face lifting and wrinkle reduction, HIFU is one of the most effective methods referring to these application therapies. In addition to the deep structures of the skin, the ultrasonic waves also act on the SMAS (*subcutaneous musculo-aponeurotic system). This is a fibrous system, which is located near and under the skin. This ideally consolidates the fat tissue and tightens the facial muscles. In the cosmetics industry, they speak about simple painless facelift of the skin, applicable to all limp body zones. However, mainly applied to cheeks, eyebrow outline, forehead, neck (double chin), decolleté and upper arms. 4 CARTRIDGES WITH EACH 10,000 SHOTS - FOR 4 DIFFERENT DEPTHS OF THE SKIN !!!

 Should there be a malfunction of your device during the warranty period, we take care of within 24 hours to pick up and return the device IMMEDIATELY after repair back to you.


Questions and answers
How is the procedure different from other non-surgical methods of skin tightening?

Hifu is the only method, the only therapy that uses ultrasound and reaches the most important and most responsive tissue, which is optimally responsible for stimulating the elastin and collagen formation!

How often the treatment needs to be done?

The result of a treatment (approx. 60 minutes) lasts at least 2 years. Depending on the expected result, the treatment can be repeated after only one year.

Is the treatment painful?
Due to the highly-focused ultrasound, you have a pleasant feeling of warmth during the treatment. After the treatment, the treated areas are perceived as numb. This is the beginning of the physiologically activated development process of the new collagen production.

Why do people prefer the Hifu treatment to surgical lifting?
During the Hifu treatment, no downtime occurs. You can follow your daily routine without any visible irritation directly after the treatment. Neither chemical substances nor anesthesia and injection are used.

Is an education required to carry out the Hifu treatment?
No! No training is required to be able to carry out this treatment for skin tightening. We offer a free training on every purchase of the obtained device, which includes all the necessary information for optimal treatment results. You will be certified for this!

What can I expect after the treatment?
Apart from the fact that 30-40% of the result is already visible after treatment, the skin appears a little reddened. The result is a numb feeling which does not last longer than a few hours. During the Hifu application, the advantage is that the protection of the skin is maintained. The first and only method by which a lifting effect can be achieved without plastic surgery. You can spare essential treatment costs and get after the first treatment a new appearance and a new attitude towards life without pain and side effects. You can follow your daily routine without interruption or caring about side effects.

Is safe?
Ultrasound has been used in medicine for more than 50 years and is considered to be safe as long as all necessary safety measures are adhered to by manufacturers, users and customers.

What results can I expect and for whom is suitable?
HIFU has a lifting effect and is suitable for the limp facial parts

 Model  Hi-Fu
 Display  28 cm Color Touch Screen
 Shot length  5 mm bis 25 mm
 Shots per cartridge  10.000
 Treatment heads - cartridges  1,5 mm / 3 mm / 4,5 mm , 13 mm
 Mode  20 mm / 20 mm / 40 mm
 Interval  50-100 ms 
 Frequency  4-10 Mhz
 Intensity  10-100 Joule ( 0,2.2,0J / cm² )
 Power consumption  60 Watt
 Power supply:  220-240 V, 50- 60 Hz
 Net weight:  ~ 12 kg
 Size: 37 x 46 x 107 cm




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